Client Gremi d’Editors de Catalunya | Services Web Management + Social Media + Email Marketing + Web Design + Photography

Management and strategies of communication and digital marketing for the business organization that represent the publishing collective in Catalonia.

Gremi d'Editors de Catalunya is made up of all those individuals or legal entities of a private nature who regularly and continuously engage in the publishing of books in any format. It defends the interests of the sector and serves as a consultancy for member companies.

We assist both in the drafting and daily management of web content as well as in new design in response to changing technological trends and the evolution of user behaviors with the aim of ensuring an optimal experience.

We have also led the management of the organization's various social media profiles from creating engaging content to implementing specific campaigns aimed at strengthening the visibility and engagement of the community of editors in Catalunya.

As an integral part of the communication strategy, we have developed the design of weekly newsletters to keep members informed of the latest developments in the publishing world.